Thursday, May 29, 2008

Merbein Street Market – May 2008 Report

Merbein is on the move with their shop locally plan, starting with the market in Commercial Street, every 3rd Sunday of the month.

We started with 34 stalls and a great deal of enthusiasm. A beautiful day helped the carnival atmosphere, the May market bought with it a true test as it was a little chilly and there was intermittent rain, but who could be unhappy when we needed it so badly. We still had 38 stalls and a large crowed to peruse the variety of stalls that included Fresh Produce, Art & Crafts, to Rabbit Traps to Carrots, even Pigs Ears.

Our next market is on this Sunday 15th of June and have 60 confirmed stalls.

There are 5 Second hand & 2 Antique shops that will be open with the majority of other businesses, and food shops too. We have a sausage sizzle with the sausages from Gathercole Butchery, who have been serving the locals for 40 years, and we are not forgetting the little folk with a Jumping Castle & Merry Go Round, and Belle the Clown will be there to add to the great family day atmosphere.

The RSL will be open showing war memorabilia and local diggers in their uniforms of the day. The ladies will make a cuppa for a gold coin donation, no doubt it will be well worth a look.

Adding to the Merbein Community coming alive for market day, the historical society will be open to show their memorabilia promoting collecting and preserving the history Merbein and surrounding districts. The centenary committee will be there to welcome you and discuss the great event next year when we turn 100 years old.

Merbein welcomes you all to come and share our great fun day.